Fondazione Cologni

The Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d'Arte is a private, non-profit institution established in Milan in 1995 by its president, Franco Cologni.

Its initiatives, aimed at a “new Renaissance” of craftmanship, are focused primarily on the young. Indeed, training new generations of artisan masters, saving artisan trades from dying out forever, is one of the foundation’s objectives. This is why Cologni promotes, supports and hosts a series of cultural, scientific and educational initiatives.

With the publications Mestieri d’Arte and Ricerche, published by Marsilio Editori, Cologni attempts to historically reconstruct the reality of these exceptional crafts, up to the present day, looking at the great tradition of Italian know-how alongside contemporary craftsmanship.

With the children’s series Storietalentuose, published by Carthusia, the foundation introduces and encourages children to fall in love with Italian craftsmanship.

The Cologni Foundation also created the magazine Mestieri d’Arte & Design, dedicated to the best of Made in Italy and artisan trades that in Italy and the wider world convey the importance of manual skill.

The foundation also supports the bi-annual award MAM-Maestro d’Arte e Mestiere, a special recognition dedicated to excellent masters of Italian craftsmanship, bringing their extraordinary work to the public’s attention.

With student internships under the project “Una Scuola, un Lavoro. Percorsi di eccellenza,” Cologni supports training for younger generations in high craftsmanship and their inclusion in the professional world.

As part of its training and orientation activities, the foundation actively collaborates with renowned schools and institutions, such as Bocconi University, Università Cattolica, Politecnico di Milano, Creative Academy, Domus Academy and EDC (Paris).

Cologni also collaborates with the Michelangelo Foundation for various international initiatives, including the major bi-annual exhibition Homo Faber, dedicated to contemporary high craftsmanship (Venice, San Giorgio Maggiore; next edition, 2024).


OMA - Osservatorio dei
Mestieri d'Arte

The Florentine association's mission is to safeguard the historic patrimony of artisanal trades.

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Gruppo Editoriale

Publisher specialized in the publication of international journals, linked to the major cities of artistic and tourist interest in Italy.

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